Keningau or Bust
I'm going to Keningau tomorrow morning to attend my good buddy D.I's wedding.

It's gonna take me about 2, maybe 3 hours if I take a leisurely drive in the MyVi through the twisty roads. First, to Donggongon for some breakfast (I'm thinking ngiu chap) and then on to Gunung Emas. From there, it's only about an hour to Tambunan and then another maybe 1 hour to reach Keningau.
I'm not worried about the road conditions cuz I've driven there a number of times for work.
It's finding the wedding venue that's going to be a mother, I think. Even after D.I extended me a 'limited edition' invitation card to come to his wedding, complete with directions.

Hoo boy.
Thing is, earlier plans were kinda changed.
I'll be driving alone, yer see. With only Matchbox 20 for company.
A guy called Joe, who's a cousin of the bride, was supposed to ride with me. I just got an SMS saying he's gotta go with another friend cuz that friend doesn't know the way to Keningau.
But driving alone is still ok.
Some of you might have an inkling of the way some folks in Keningau drink.
As in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
As in consuming homemade alcoholic substances.
And this IS a wedding I'm going to.
There would be expectations of drinking. And expectations of how you should drink with them too.
Hoo boy.
Things could get ugly over there.
Some advice (among other things) I got from some folks about going for the wedding in Keningau (Thanks guys):
"Don't give in to pressure ah... they like to do that. Just say no. Say you have to drive."
"Just be careful. Say you makan ubat (took medication). Or say you ate some durian."
"You seriously going ah??"
"Just be careful. Say you makan ubat (took medication). Or say you ate some durian."
"You seriously going ah??"
"Boleh tahan, boss!"
"Wah... city girls not good enough for you ah?"
"God Speed."
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