I actually wanted to post this entry when I got back on Sunday but lo and behold, the PC decided to act up again. Ah well...
So I’m back. Yes. In one piece. I can still feel the tapai in my system. I thought a game of basketball might squeeze the stuff out of my system but… nothing ain’t so easy.
It was Saturday morning, the big day for my pal, Den and his gal, Anita.
Checking that I actually had my wedding gift for them, I got going.
Before I left, I decided to measure exactly how much driving I’d have to do. So set the meter to zero…

…had some breakfast with The FridayCat…

…and I was on my way. It was exactly ten am on the Myvi’s clock when I saw this.

I have to pass by Tambunan first before reaching Keningau. Having been to all those places a couple of times, I knew I had to drive about 1 and half hours to Tambunan before another 50 minutes to 1 hour to get to Keningau.
Did you know some of the locals insist that it’s pronounced ‘Kendingau’?

I can’t remember the time when I reached Tambunan but maybe that’s cuz this was all I was thinking of.
Welcome to Tambunan town. Yes, you’re looking at pretty much the town centre. It’s a pretty small town and surrounded by more than 80 villages.
49km? Piece of cake.
No, I didn’t have to stop and ask for directions. Thank you very much.
Meet the man himself (with the shades, I mean). I actually met up with him at Perkasa Hotel. We met up at the hotel earlier before coming to town to pick Anita up. This is the first pic of me on this blog and it looks damn weird, man…
That’s where I’m staying. Got here by 12.15pm. Hmm.. 2 hours 15 minutes from KK to Keningau.
The view from room 301.
Have you seen a piece like that before? I haven’t. Neither has he…
Isn’t that sweet? Waiting in the hotel’s lobby and waiting to go to the kampong for the blessing and reception.
The ride to the wedding venue took a while and it’s nearly 20km from the hotel to the village where it’s held. This was where I said, “I’ve never been to a kampong wedding before,” and Den goes, “Neither have I”.
Meet (from right) the groom’s dad Mr. Ramdi, his mom, Janet, the ‘best man’ Junior and the Father of the Bride, Gapilit.
THIS was one of the first things I saw as I stepped into the hall. Brrr…. In these rows of tajaus (urns) is tapai, or rice wine.
Some of the tajaus were given to the ceremony by other villages as you can see from the tags. And I could see some extra 'straws' were hanging around. No prizes too for guessing what those plastic bags are for...
More on these later…

And so, the ceremony began with Pastor Eric Foo from the Charismatic Calvary Church in Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu leading the holy matrimony…

… exchanging of rings…

… signing the marriage papers…

…. a praying over…

...cutting the cake...

No need for me to explain la kan?

For her in-laws…

And for his in-law…


It begins… OMG

Oh yes… it began alright…

Everyone started to get into the spirit of things
I had to get to a double shot of that stuff they call lihing with the Main Man.

And another…

Remember those? Everyone started going at them…
Yes… even the ladies…

Lines were forming around the stuff and there were LITRES of it. I think I counted 31 urns and more were coming…

Father and son too.
I had to get some of it myself.

Contrary to what some might think, it didn’t taste half bad and went down quite easy.
Tasted a little sour and sweet at the same time. IT IS an acquired taste, or so they say.

Here’s how it worked. You and a partner had to ‘down’ that bit of tapai til the surface touched the leaf covering the urn. “Sampai daun! (Till the leaf!)” they’ll shout.
And then El Presidente right here will be more than pleased to help you top it up to the brim again.
And if you feel you’re getting tipsy, they have some pusas (local dish) to help it go down…
I had to put this up… Junior’s hand make him seem like he’s barely holding it together while Heldy’s thinking “That didn’t go down at all…”

And while all that drinkin was goin’ down, this guy was getting’ down…

I had to take a pic with him…. Calls himself Cowboy. I wonder why. (I sure hope he doesn't travel to Tel Aviv with that 'stash on his face).

As the celebrations went on through the night…

…I helped myself to this guy. Yes, you’re looking at a bottle of Chivas Regal… yummy..

This dude was just going around, helping people get pissed…

Are we shwell phisshed? Hell, yeah…
And that guy Kino there on the right… sauntered into the party, started mingling with us and we began questioning him on the guest list. He was talking to Den and I for a good half hour and didn’t realize that the guy who married his relative is the guy talking to him! Hahah

Meet Mr. Pissed Drunk behind the wheel. That’s a passive face right there.
Everyone was still hung over the next morning except for Anita over there. Don’t let this photo fool you…

Then I had to leave.
And that was how far I went.
Oh, I nearly forgot!
Congratulations to Den and Nita!
Have a good long life together and be good to each other now!